“When you're building data systems and processes, it's all about putting things in place so you can deliver value for your customers repeatedly and consistently.”

- Josh Horsman, Head of Customer Success at The Alliance

For any Customer Success Manager, your customer's data is a treasure trove of behavioral insights. When implemented effectively, data can spearhead your CS function and set you up with the tools to proactively engage with your customer base.

Customer data can indicate how your product is performing, and how your CS team can improve its strategy with each customer to add value and pre-empt churn. But how should you properly utilize them?

In this episode of CS School, we sat down with Josh Horsman, Head of Customer Success at The Alliance, where he explained the importance of data-driven customer success.

A little bit about Josh

In this episode of CS School, we were joined by Josh Horsman, Head of Customer Success at The Alliance, an umbrella community-led media platform for L&D communities such as Product Marketing Alliance, Sales Enablement Collective, Product-Led Alliance and … a little-known customer success community.

Prior to his current role, Josh worked for startups in customer success and account management. Josh is now tasked with leading the customer success team at The Alliance and its fast-growing communities, marrying data-driven strategies with proactivity and empathy.

Tune into this episode to learn more about the dichotomy between data and empathy, and to discover:

  • What 'proactive' customer success really means
  • The benefits of data-driven customer success
  • The types of data critical for measuring overall customer health
  • The data collection points along the customer journey
  • Why cross-departmental collaboration is key
  • Tools or software solutions Josh recommends for a newly-established CS function

Resources mentioned in this episode

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