Maximize your potential and secure your next job with a CSC membership plan

Membership content

We’re not going to beat around the bush: a Customer Success Collective membership plan is your golden ticket to continual professional development.

Think templates. Think frameworks. Think hundreds of hours’ worth of OnDemand video content from the best keynote presentations and panel discussions – from the world’s brightest CS leaders. Think discounted courses. Think subsided tickets to our in-person events. Think having access to a supportive global community to help aid your job search.

Whether you’re on the hunt for your next position, you’ve got an interview date in the diary, or are just looking to grow your LinkedIn connections, a Customer Success Collective membership subscription will empower you to be the best version of your customer success self and land that coveted dream role.

If you’d like to know more about what we offer, here’s the top-line info:

📖 Exclusive templates, articles, and playbooks

📽️ On-Demand events and meet-ups

🤝 Member community: your personal support system

🖊️ Enhancing your résumé and applications

📈 Reports and insights

But first…

Why subscribe to a Customer Success Collective membership?

It’s no secret that the economy in its current state has made the job market an ultra-competitive place. And this can be particularly tough if you’re in between jobs.

Having a competitive edge in your applications can be the differentiator between bagging the job of your dreams and missing out. And sure, that’s easier said than done; it usually takes time and energy to finesse a skill.

But rather than spend hours aimlessly trawling through page after page on Google (💤), wouldn’t it be better to have a one-stop shop for every resource you could need to level up and enhance your knowledge?  

But don’t just take our word for it. See for yourself. 👇

Membership content | Customer Success Collective
Learn first-hard from customer success leaders from companies like Typeform, LinkedIn, Intercom, HubSpot, and more, with exclusive, bi-weekly content updates.

Exclusive templates, articles, and reports

As an exclusive member of our community, a membership plan affords you certain privileges and resources that you won’t find with your average Google search.

Once you sign up for a membership, you automatically gain exclusive, ungated access to a bountiful collection of professionally crafted templates, articles, playbooks, and eBooks. These resources are designed to, not only make your customers happy but, provide you with a competitive edge as you embark upon your job search.

Every month, without fail, we add to our treasure trove of super applicable templates to frameworks that you can download and use as you like. Have an interview coming up and you have an assessment task you need to prepare for? We’ll have a template that you can use to wow your prospective employer.

If you’re hungry for case studies, tried-and-tested churn prevention strategies, or just looking for the advice of someone who’s walked in your shoes, we email an exclusive article to your inbox every two weeks.

Encompassing a broad spectrum of career-focused subjects, this comprehensive resource addresses industry trends, strategies, and invaluable CS tips and tricks. By keeping abreast of the most recent insights, you’ll be fully prepared to navigate the dynamic job market with confidence.

Network with your peers at in-person events and meet-ups

Networking holds a crucial position in propelling your career forward, and our membership grants you discounted entry to a range of in-person events and all the information about our global meet-ups. These gatherings, available both virtually and in-person, offer avenues to connect with esteemed industry experts, influential thought leaders, and individuals who share your professional interests.

By engaging in impactful discussions and fostering relationships, you can unlock opportunities for new job prospects, mentorship connections, and valuable insights within CS and your industry. Through active participation in our events, you’ll expand your professional network and build up invaluable connections that can propel your career growth at an accelerated pace.

Members-only community | Customer Success Collective
Connect with your fellow product-led leaders in a private community, created just for you.

Member community: benefit from your own personal support system

As a community-led platform, it won’t come as a surprise when we say: never, ever, ever underestimate the power of a supportive community. Whether you’re on the lookout for a new role and someone in the community is hiring within their team, or you need advice on how to tackle a CS challenge in your workplace, we offer the chance to speak about these challenges in a safe and understanding space.

Our membership subscription lets you be a part of an exclusive community of global CS professionals who all share similar goals, experiences and pain points. In this buzzing community of members, you can expect constant riffs of sage advice and support from folk who’ve been through similar experiences.

Make your résumé and job applications sing ✨

Picture this: an employer is debating on whether to choose between two candidates to fill an open role. Both have near-identical experience as a CSM, but one person has a customer success L&D membership on their résumé.

Suddenly, one professional profile looks more attractive to the employer. It shows initiative, proactivity and a passion for customer success. Would you, in good conscience, not choose the candidate with the competitive edge?

Bottom line is, if you’re a proactive team player who goes out of their comfort zone to invest and share their time, energy and insights with their peers, chances are, this is going to seriously impress prospective employers.

An L&D membership like ours sends a clear signal: you’re the type of person who goes above and beyond their 9-5 job to invest in their own growth, making you the ideal candidate.

Let’s face it, not everyone else will have the same addition to their professional acumen. Why wouldn’t you want to stand out from the crowd?

Reports and insights

Are you looking for quick access to some of the world’s leading research in customer success? Looking to find out how much the average CSM salary is? Or perhaps you’re looking for expert-proven strategies to identify which of your customers are at risk of churn?

We know your time is precious and with half a dozen new reports published every year, it can be time-consuming to find the data you’re after.

With our membership plan, you gain unrestricted access to an extensive collection of reports encompassing a wide range of industries and job markets. These invaluable resources offer comprehensive analyses of emerging trends, market demands, and essential skill prerequisites.

By keeping yourself well-informed about industry-specific knowledge and staying abreast of high-demand skills, you can actively shape your professional growth. This knowledge not only enables you to customize your applications for specific industries but also instills you with the confidence to navigate interviews effortlessly, demonstrating your expertise and adaptability.

What do our members have to say?

It’s all well and good us waxing lyrical about how awesome our membership plan is, but the proof is in the pudding.

Here’s what one of our members makes of their membership:

"It’s like you read my mind most times when your newsletters hit my inbox (*checks office for listening devices*). Seriously though – as a new CS leader, the advice and templates have been invaluable and useful as a cos hung tool to help our CSMs develop"
"The content and information shared are of high relevance and topical to key challenges/opportunities in the CS space. I always take away at least one gold nugget from the DMs I receive. Great work!"

 - Julia Bickley Head of Customer Success at Circlein

Become an exclusive member of Customer Success Collective

Enroll in our membership plan today and unlock a plethora of advantages that will greatly influence your job search and propel your career growth.

Gain access to a wealth of exclusive templates, articles, playbooks, and reports, equipping you with the necessary tools and expertise to create exceptional applications and excel in interviews.

Tap into the power of our vibrant member community, offering a supportive network that can guide and inspire you every step of the way on your professional journey.

Take the first step toward the career you deserve.