"What I would kind of advise to anybody who's looking at breaking into customer success: look within yourself and kind of do a bit of self-reflection, in terms of what your skills are. Because I realized I was actually doing customer success ... just in a different role."

- Ryan Noakes, Customer Success Manager at SAI360

Transferrable skills have become a bit of a recruitment buzzword, but we promise it's for a good reason. Customer success is a multi-disciplinary field that requires a variety of skill sets.

Whether you're wanting to start your career in customer success, or perhaps want to re-address your current performance, you can draw on transferrable skills you've developed over the years. But what are they?

In this episode of the CS School podcast, we were joined by Ryan Noakes who delved into the best soft skills you can bring to a CS role.

Listen to discover

  • The key transferable skills can you bring to a CS role
  • The aspects of customer success that came naturally to Ryan
  • Ryan's advice for people trying to break into their first CS role
  • Quick wins for job interviews
  • How to harness other departments' skillsets and apply them to your CS function

A little bit about our guest

Ryan has had a varied career, from working in a fish and chip shop and as a barista, to working in compliance, Ryan’s been in the CS game for the past four years.

He's currently managing SAI360's clients in EMEA and the US, making him the perfect guest to chat with about the transferrable skills necessary to work in customer success.

SAI360 is an integrated risk management solution using a combination of software and learning content. Ryan outlines what skills you need and how you can draw upon past career experiences to excel in your customer success role.

Resources from this episode

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Have you got something to say? Perhaps you wanna be on the podcast, or know someone who would be a great guest? Get in touch, contact grace@customersuccesscollective.com. 📩

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