Members-only Churn How to identify and reduce customer churn No business can retain every one of their customers. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean you can’t put measures in place to reduce churn, in a bid to keep your all-important customer base intact....
Members-only Customer retention What are Customer Advisory Boards (CABs)? Feedback should be a vital component in your product marketing strategy and Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) are a great way to garner this insight....
Members-only Customer experience Doing right by your customers & prospects without sacrificing the bottom line Let your customer success strategy be driven by customer need and new business strategy be driven by market conditions, says Hireology’s Debra Senra....
Members-only Customer feedback The what, why and how of customer + market feedback Customer and market feedback is an essential part of product marketing. Understand what it is, its importance, plus how to collect data and plan future strategies....