Converting freemium users into paid users [template]

Freemium memberships are steadily becoming an attractive way to lure new customers and serve as a great acquaintance to your product and/or service. With more and more businesses offering free versions – and more customers signing up to them – there comes a point where organizations need to start converting this engagement to turn a profit.

Ever the bastions of accessible education and high-calibre information, we at CSC believe that members of our customer success community should benefit from our top-tier resources. 📚

We're giving you an email template that'll give you examples of how to upsell and convert your free users into paid ones. Not bad, eh? 🤩

What's the catch? There isn't one – simply fill out the form below and let the paid customers come pouring in! 😉

Like this template? We have a bunch more covering everything from case study questions to onboarding, pricing to cross-sell, product demo checklists, and SWOT analysis, all included in our membership plans.